Al-Tajiyat residential complex project

Engineer Haider Fadel Al-Mayali, Director General of the Directorate of Housing, visited one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, this Monday morning, 28/3/2022, Al-Tajiyat residential complex project. And he was accompanied during his tour of the project by Mr. Jayed Ali Jayed, the resident engineer for the project, Dr. Zainab Salman, the head of the Investment Division, and Mr. Muhannad Muhammad Mohsen, Director of Relations and Information Division in the Directorate, and a number of their cadres, to find out the merits of the project and the progress of work in it.

The Director General directed: During the visit, all project workers, to abide by all instructions and directives, and to exert all efforts and capabilities.

He commended the work with some observations in the aspect of engineering and technical specialization, and what is directly related to the success of the work and avoiding future problems.

At the end of the visit, Mayali stressed a number of important issues, including that his door is open to all, in order to overcome all obstacles and solve problems facing the progress of work, because the project is one of the vital projects that serve a large number of citizens, and because the housing aspect is one of the most important living requirements.

The project is executed by Sections General Contracting Company , with a completion rate of 33.1%, and the number of housing units amounted to (1392) apartments, type (a) with (45) buildings, (16) apartments of different sizes and type (b) with (28) buildings, (24) ) apartment of different sizes, with six models of types of apartments, currently executed and designed in the style of (Doplex / two floors), the first floor has service rooms (reception, kitchen, and health units), and the second floor has a private room (bedrooms and an integrated health unit), as this type of design provides the feeling of the Iraqi family that they live in an independent house. It is divided into different areas:

– Apartment type (A) with an area of ​​159 m2 _ Apartment type (A +) with an area of ​​​​161 m2

Apartment type (B) with an area of ​​130 m2 – Apartment type (B +) with an area of ​​137 m2

Apartment type (C) with an area of ​​116 m2 – Apartment type (C +) with an area of ​​118 m2

The project description: The technology used in the execution is (ICF) the technology of isolated concrete blocks, a modern technology that the Ministry has taken great care of in establishing modern residential complexes, which would provide adequate housing for all beneficiaries of the complex’s occupants, which is executed by the investment method, which is a modern and successful method in the establishment of residential complexes.

Al-Suwaira housing project in Wasit Governorate

Under the supervision of the Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, work continues on the Al-Suwaira housing project in Wasit Governorate, which is executed by Al-Maghanim and Ard Al-Sunan contracting companies, with a completion rate of 61.32%, and the number of housing units amounted to (640) apartments.

The project was described as multi-storey residential buildings (four floors) with two models of residential buildings: type (A) = (40) buildings, (480 apartments), and type B)) = (10) buildings, (160 apartments).

The media office explained: The residential complex contains public service buildings (kindergarten, nursery, primary school with a capacity of 18 classrooms, middle school with a capacity of 12 classrooms, (2) markets, a health center, an administrative building, 2 guard rooms with service networks (pure water and fire, rain water drainage network, heavy water sewerage network with heavy water treatment unit, external and internal electrical networks, telephone, as well as external site works (external fence, streets, sidewalks, walkways, parking lots ) and also contains (Landscape) works (yards, resting spaces, organizing gardens, landscaping, furniture…etc).

Directorate of Housing organizes a course entitled (Environment and Occupational Safety)

The Planning and Follow-up Section / Training and Development Division, in the Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, organized a course entitled (Environment and Occupational Safety). The course curriculum was delivered by Mr. Abdul-Khaleq Hayawi, head of the Environmental and Occupational Safety Division, at the directorate’s headquarters, where the lecturer of the session touched on:

  1. Environment: Explanation of the concepts of sick buildings.
  2. Civil Defense: It includes the types of fires and how to treat them with different extinguishing materials.
  3. First aid: for those injured during work.

– 50 employees from the center of the Ministry’s headquarters and its affiliated formations participated in the course.

The course was concluded with a theoretical test for the employees participating in the course, with a commitment to daily attendance, and the application of all occupational safety procedures.

Azizia Project in Wasit governorate

Project name: Azizia

Governorate: Wasit

The Executing Company: Al-Mansour General Contracting Company

Contract cost for the project (in millions): 69.196

Contract cost for the project after appeal: Adopting the prices of the unimplemented paragraphs in the bill of quantities under the original contract

Total spare orders in million: (-) 285,0

Contract duration (day): 911

Total additional periods: 0

Total stops/day: 1448

Date of commencement under the contract: 16/6/2019

Date of resuming work: 16/6/2019

New period after resumption/day: 463 + stops

The date of the new completion in the light of the appeal: 21/9/2020

Financial achievement percentage: 48.00%

Planned completion rate: 100.00%

Technical achievement percentage:

Actual before appeal: 52.50%

Previous Actual: 57.94%

Current Actual: 60.3%

Deviation: 40.00%

Observations of the problems and obstacles and the position of the current project:

The project was started on 16/6/2019 according to our letter 7369 on 6/3/2019. The contract annex was signed with the company executing the project according to our letter 10477 on 25/8/2019. The work progress program submitted by the executing company has been approved.

The executing company was urged to intensify efforts to work in our letter 1805 on 15/2/2021. It was agreed with the executing company to raise the pace of work on the project.

The executing company was warned under our letter 11870 on 23/11/2021 for the company’s reluctance to implement its contractual obligations.

Shatt Al Arab 2 Project

Project name: Shatt Al Arab 2

Governorate: Basra

Executing Company: Stratos Corporation

Contract cost for the project (in millions): 159,256

Contract cost for the project after appeal: Adopting the prices of the unimplemented paragraphs in the bill of quantities under the original contract

Total spare parts orders in million: 232,0

Contract duration (day): 820

Total additional periods: 0

Total stops/day: 1598

Date of commencement under the contract: 26/12/2012

Date of resuming work: 29/8/2019

New period after resumption/day: 590 + stops

The date of the new completion in the light of the appeal: 26/1/2021

Financial achievement percentage: 18.89%

Planned completion rate: 56.12%

Technical achievement percentage:

Actual before appeal: 33.24%

Previous Actual: 33.24%

Actual current: 33.4%

Deviation: 22.72%

Observations of problems and obstacles and the position of the current project: The project was started on August 29, 2019 as stated in the letter of the resident engineer directorate No. 11 on August 29, 2019. The contract extension was signed with the company executing the project according to our letter 10382 on 22/8/2019.

The project was stopped in October 2019 due to the demonstrations, which led to the withdrawal of the executing company to Iran due to the security situation. A meeting was held with the company executing the project recently for the purpose of starting work and it is now in the process of preparing the site.


Work was resumed on the site on 27/4/2021, as the executing company was urged to increase the pace of work according to our letter 6849 on 7/8/2021.

public job course

The Planning and Follow-up Department/Training and Development Division in the Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, organized a public job course, and the course curriculum was delivered by Mr. Ihsan Khaled Sabri and Karam Safa Omran, the course addressed the importance of training and developing employees and qualifying them to occupy higher positions and jobs in state institutions, the course also aims to raise the ability of employees to perform their duties optimally and to be familiar with the regulations and laws governing the job.

The course was attended by staff at the Directorate’s headquarters and some of the Ministry’s formations.

The course included important details in defining what a public job is, explaining the State and Public Sector Employees Discipline Law No. 14 of 1991, identifying the strategy for combating administrative and financial corruption in public institutions, as well as explaining the terms of appointment, bonuses, promotions, transfer, placement, retirement, resignation, allowances, and vacations, and explaining the language of official letters and administrative correspondence, and the common mistakes in official correspondence, and the explanation of Civil Service Law No. 24 of 1960 and the amended Law of Discipline of State and Public Sector Employees No. 22 of 2008

The course was concluded with a written test for the participating employees, with a commitment to daily attendance.

Al-Suniyah housing project in Al-Diwaniyah governorate

99% achievement achieved by the Directorate of Housing in Al-Suniyah housing project in Al-Diwaniyah under the guidance of the engineer (Nazanin Muhammad Wasu), the Minister of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, and under the supervision and continuous follow-up of the project from the engineer (Haider Al-Mayali), the Director General of the Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry. The work by the executing companies is progressing well and according to the required technical specifications, and the project is one of the projects concerned with the Iraqi family and its comfort. The residential complex consists of 65 houses, and the area of ​​the house is 150 m2,and the house contains two floors with 3 different rooms and their accessories, using the brick building system, as well as service works are available in the residential complex from a rainwater drainage station, sidewalks and organized streets.

Jotun Paints Company

The Directorate of Housing: organizes a workshop with Jotun Paints Company

The Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, in cooperation with Jotun Paints Company, organized a specialized workshop in the field of dyes, addressing common problems in paint systems and interpreting technical specifications. It was attended by the Directorate’s senior management, department heads, and a number of department employees with engineering specialization, and it was delivered by Engineer Zaid Amer, representative of Jotun Paints Company.

During the workshop, the engineer reviewed the types of modern paints and their external and internal uses, and the most common problems that occur in paint systems and how to solve them.

At the end of the workshop, the representative of Jotun Paints Company thanked the Directorate of Housing. The senior management of the Directorate also thanked Eng. Zaid Amer for his recent information that can be used to use their products in the future in the execution of some of the Directorate’s projects.

Al-Ghalibia housing project in Diyala governorate

With a completion rate of 79%, work continues on Al-Ghalibia housing project in Diyala governorate.

Under the supervision of the Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, and within the investment plan of our Directorate for the year 2020-2021, work continues on Al-Ghalibia housing project in Diyala governorate, which is executed by Ard Iwan Contracting Company, with a completion rate of 79%, and the number of housing units amounted to (696) apartment.

The project description: The project consists of (58) buildings with three floors, the number of apartments (696) and it includes two models: type (A) 312 apartments, and type (B) 384 apartments with 4 apartments on each floor.

The complex also contains public service buildings (primary school, 2 high schools, mosque, health center, 2 guard rooms, markets, as well as site works from external networks and roads).

Urgent Meeting

Engineer Haider Fadel Al-Mayali, Director General of the Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, held an urgent meeting on Wednesday 12/1/2022 on the government’s priorities and projects, in the presence of the assistant director general and heads of departments.

Al-Mayali gave a brief explanation of the mechanism for filling out the form on government priorities, in light of the interventions and observations made by the heads of departments.

Al-Mayali stressed the importance of this subject and the need for a quick and thoughtful response to the information and suggestions that will be included in this form, as this process is an important proposal for the Housing Directorate’s vision in executing the new government’s priorities.

It is worth noting that the meeting focused on the Directorate of Housing preparing its vision regarding the government’s priorities in the field of reconstruction and infrastructure as shown below:

-Establishment of housing units amounting to 100,000 housing units and distributing them to poor and needy families in accordance with the decisions of the National Housing Council.

-Establishment of 10 new cities outside the design of the foundation for the overcrowded governorate centers and providing adequate housing and job opportunities to improve the standard of living within 3 years of forming the government.