Al-Hamza Al-Sharqi Residential Complex in Al-Diwaniyah governorate

Al-Hamza Al-Sharqi Residential Complex in Al-Diwaniyah governorate and within the investment plan of our Directorate for the year 2020-2021 and under the direct supervision of the Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, work continues on Al-Hamza Al-Sharqi Residential Complex project in Al-Diwaniyah Governorate, which is executed by Al-Bued Al-Raabie and Difaf Al-Nahrayn Contracting Companies, with a completion rate of 40.50% and the number of housing units amounted to 456 apartments.

The project was described as multi-storey residential buildings (four and three floors) with two models of residential buildings, type A = 22 buildings with three floors (264 apartments) and type B = 12 buildings with four floors (192 apartments).

The complex contains public services (kindergarten, primary school with a capacity of 18 classes, 2 middle schools with a capacity of 12 classes, mosque, markets, health center, administration building, 2guard rooms) with service networks (pure water, fire, irrigation, rain water network, heavy water sewer network, networks).


Al-Hamza Al-Sharqi Residential Complex in Al-Diwaniyah governorate

Al-Hamza Al-Sharqi Residential Complex in Al-Diwaniyah governorate and within the investment plan of our Directorate for the year 2020-2021 and under the direct supervision of the Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, work continues on Al-Hamza Al-Sharqi Residential Complex project in Al-Diwaniyah Governorate, which is executed by Al-Bued Al-Raabie and Difaf Al-Nahrayn Contracting Companies, with a completion rate of 40.50% and the number of housing units amounted to 456 apartments.

The project was described as multi-storey residential buildings (four and three floors) with two models of residential buildings, type A = 22 buildings with three floors (264 apartments) and type B = 12 buildings with four floors (192 apartments).

The complex contains public services (kindergarten, primary school with a capacity of 18 classes, 2 middle schools with a capacity of 12 classes, mosque, markets, health center, administration building, 2guard rooms) with service networks (pure water, fire, irrigation, rain water network, heavy water sewer network, networks).



computer maintenance

The Planning and Follow-up Department /Training and Development Division in the Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, organized a training course entitled (computer maintenance). The course curriculum was lectured by Mr. Nabeel Adnan Nassif and Eng. Taha Issa Sabah. In the course, the importance of computer maintenance and several topics and themes were discussed, and the focus was on communicating theoretical and practical information, which is one of the essences of maintenance work.

The course curriculum include:


  1. Introduction (Concepts and Definitions): Defining the process of maintaining the computer and its components (hardware and software) and providing a brief and adequate explanation of it.
  2. Steps for checking malfunctions and problems and their solutions.
  3. Types of hard disks and their characteristics and the importance of focusing on using the best type in the computer to ensure the smooth running of programs.
  4. The most important service programs used in maintenance and how to save original copies of programs and ways to activate them.
  5. How to install copies of Windows on flash RAM, boot methods, partition hard disks, and formats.
  6. Solid antivirus software, which ensure the smooth running of the computer, speed it up and get rid of temporary files that slow down the work of the device.


The course was concluded by conducting a theoretical and practical test for the participants, adding the degree of interaction of the participant and a commitment to daily attendance.

Bank statement, accounting and tax accounting

The Planning and Follow-up Department / Training and Development Division, in the Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, organized a training course entitled (Bank statement, accounting and tax accounting) for a period of two weeks.

The course curriculum was lectured by assistant accountant (Naseer Asim Muhammad Ali)

The course curriculum include:

The first week: The lecturer gave a full explanation about the bank statement and methods of calculation through:

  1. How to get the two balances to the correct balance.
  2. How to get the balance of the statement to the balance of records.
  3. How to get the balance of records to the balance of the statement.

The second week: The details of accounting and tax accounting were explained, with examples:

  1. The wages and salaries tax, calculation rates and legal allowances.
  2. Real estate transfer tax, calculation method, and exemptions for persons covered by the gift.

The course was concluded with a final test for the trainees participating in the course, and the participants were awarded with success.

Furnishing of sidewalks and streets in residential complexes

The Planning and Follow-up Section / Training and Development Division in the Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, organized a training course entitled (Furnishing of sidewalks and streets in residential complexes), for a period of five days.

Senior chief Engineers (Zeina Habib Nasser) lectured the course curriculum.

The course curriculum included:

Determining the standards and controls that need to be provided in furnishing the sidewalks and streets in the residential complexes to improve the environmental and aesthetic reality. The requirements to be provided for the people with special needs were also taken into consideration when designing the residential complexes, in furnishing the sidewalks, street slopes and parking lots, as they are an important and effective group in the community.

At the end of the course, a test was conducted for the trainees participating in the course.

Shatt Al Arab 1 Project in Al-Basra governorate

Project name: Shatt Al Arab 1

Governorate: Basra

The Executing Company: Al-Rasheed Company

Contract cost for the project (in millions): 58,405

Contract cost for the project after appeal: Adopting the prices of the unimplemented paragraphs in the bill of quantities under the original contract

Total spare parts orders in million: 3.286

Contract duration (day): 913

Total additional periods: 0

Total stops/day: 1500

Date of commencement under the contract: 16/7/2019

Date of resuming work: 27/8/2019

New period after resumption/day: 450 + stops

The date of the new completion in the light of the appeal: 8/10/2020

Financial achievement percentage: 56.00%

Planned completion rate: 83.00%

Technical achievement percentage:

Actual before appeal: 60.00%

Previous Actual: 63.70%

Actual Current: 68.6%

Deviation: 14.42%

Observations of the problems and obstacles and the position of the current project: The project was started on 27/8/2019, as stated in the letter of Resident Engineer Directorate for the project No. 18 on 27/8/201. An annex to the contract was signed with the company executing the project according to our letter 10383 on 22/8/2019. It was agreed to secure the financial allocations by our Directorate and the company indicated its willingness to intensify the efforts and raise the pace of work in the project. The executing company was urged to increase the pace of work in our letter 11261 on 9/1 / 2021, and the executing company was warned under our letter 11869 on 23/11/2021 for the company’s reluctance to implement its contractual obligations.

Al-Zubair project in Al-Basra governorate

Project name: Al-Zubair

Governorate: Basra

The Executing Company: Al-Bilad and Al-Jazeera Contracting Company

Contract cost for the project (in millions): 119,416

Contract cost for the project after appeal:

Total spare parts orders in million: 2.357

Contract duration (day): 913

Total additional periods: 463

Total stops/day: stopped

Date of commencement under the contract: 24/7/2012

Work resume date:

New period after resumption/day: – + stops

The new completion date in light of the appeal: –

Financial achievement percentage: 68.99%

Planned completion rate: 97.00%

Technical achievement percentage: 65.70

Actual before appeal: 65.70%

Previous Actual: 65.70%

Actual current: 65.7%

Deviation: 31.30%

Observations of the problems and obstacles and the position of the current project: The contract was terminated by a court ruling and the Directorate’s intention is to re-announce the project and include it within the investment plan for the coming years, as indicated in our letter 3281 on 8/4/2021

Dawr Alaskan Project

Project name: dawr alaskan
Governorate: Diwaniyah
The Executing Company: Al-Mansour Company and the Turkish Serhat Company
Contract cost for the project (in millions): 29.59
Contract cost for the project after appeal: Adopting the prices of the non-executed paragraphs in the quantities table under the original contract
Total spare parts orders in million: 2,722
Contract duration (day): 911
Total additional periods: 0
Total stops/day: 1470
Date of commencement under the contract: 16/6/2019
Date of resuming work: 15/9/2019
New period after resumption/day: 585 + stops
The new completion date in light of the appeal: 21/1/2021
Financial achievement percentage: 37.00%
Planned completion rate: 63.00%
Technical achievement percentage
Actual before appeal: 39.00%
Previous Actual : 39.50%
Actual current: 44.6%
Deviation: 19.00%
Observations of problems and obstacles and the position of the current project:
The project was started on 15/9/2019 and as stated in the letter of the resident engineer department for the project No. 71 on 22/9/2019.. The contract annex was signed with the company executing the project according to our letter 10380 on 22/8/2019. Currently, the work is going very slowly due to the lack of financial allocations. A warning letter was sent to the executing company in our letter 2516 on 3/16/2021 with the need to raise the pace of work and overcome the deviation rate. The general manager’s approval was obtained to grant Al-Mansour companies and its partner Sarhat company a one-month grace period starting from 10/1/2021 to intensify efforts and raise the pace of work and the percentage of completion.

Al Hamza Al Sharqi Project

Project name: Al Hamza Al Sharqi

Governorate: Diwaniyah

The Executing Company: Al Bued Al Raabie and Difaf Al Nahrayn Contracting Company

Contract cost for the project (in millions): 54,702

Contract cost for the project after appeal: Adopting the prices of the non-executed paragraphs in the quantities table under the original contract

Total spare parts orders in million: 2,877

Contract duration (day): 912

Total additional periods: 0

Total stops/day: 1446

Date of commencement under the contract: 16/6/2019

Date of resumption of work: 16/6/2019

New period after resumption/day: 611 + stops

The new completion date in light of the appeal: 16/2/2021

Financial achievement percentage: 41.00%

Planned completion rate: 43.75%

Technical achievement percentage

Actual before appeal: 36.30%

Previous Actual: 37.3%

Current Actual: 40.5%

Deviation: 3.25%

Observations of problems, obstacles and the current project situation: The project was started on 16/6/2019 according to our letter 7371 on 3/6/2019.. The contract extension was signed with the company executing the project according to our letter 11207 on 9/9/2019. The work progress program submitted by the executing company was approved. The executing company was urged to intensify efforts by working with our letter 11366 on 11/11/2021.

Residential complex in Kirkuk Sayada

Project name: Residential complex in Kirkuk Sayada
Governorate: Kirkuk
Number of residential units of type (house/apartment): 504 apartments
The name of the executing company: Al-Faw General Company
The nationality of the executing company: Iraqi
Year of assignment: 2007
Contract number / date: None 24/5/2007
Contract amount/ dinars: 47.5
Execution period (day / month): 914
Contractual commencement date: 27/5/2007
Additional periods granted (day): 579
Completion date with extensions: 28/6/2011