The Directorate of Housing organized a training course entitled (Learning PHP Web Applications)

The Planning and Follow-up Department / Training and Development Division in the Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works, organized a course entitled (Learning PHP Web Applications) in which a number of programmers and website workers participated.

The lecturer, Mr. (Nabil Abbas Saeed), explained the principles of (PHP) and its beginnings, the programs that operate the (PHP) language, and creating reports in the PHP language.

The course concluded with all participants taking a test to review the information and award evaluation marks to the course participants.

The Directorate of Housing organized a training course entitled (The Impact of Local Indicators on Sustainable Infrastructure)

The Planning and Follow-up Department / Training and Development Division in the Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works, organized a course entitled (The Impact of Local Indicators on Sustainable Infrastructure) in which a number of engineering and technical employees participated. The lecturer (Atyaf Kareem), explained sustainable housing as the focus of sustainable development.

The course concluded with all participants undergoing a test to review the information and award evaluation marks to the participants.

The Directorate of Housing organized a training course entitled (Civil Case Procedures)

The Planning and Follow-up Department / Training and Development Division in the Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works, organized a course entitled (Civil Case Procedures) in which a number of legal employees participated.

The lecturer (Aseel Salam Abdul Razzaq), explained the civil case procedures in the Civil Procedure Law from the petition to the judgment becoming final.

The course concluded with all participants undergoing a test to review the information and award evaluation marks.

Public Housing Policy 2024-2030

On behalf of His Excellency the Minister of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, Mr. Bengin Rekani, the draft national housing policy for the period from 2024-2030, prepared by the Ministry through the Directorate of Housing was discussed this day with all local authorities and representatives of the United Nations Human Settlements Program in Iraq.

The discussion was attended by Dr. Muhammad Mohsen Al-Sayed, Director General of Regional and Local Development at the Ministry of Planning, Mr. Ali Hussein Abdel Amir, Director General of the Urban Planning Directorate, Mr. Muslim Kazemi, official of the United Nations Human Settlements Program in Iraq, representatives of ministries and unions, and a group of cadres from the Ministry of Construction, Housing and public municipalities.

The discussions included a presentation of previous policies and a comparison between them and the draft of the new policy by the director and cadres of the Studies and Policies Department in the Directorate of Housing, and an explanation that the government’s current path to address the housing crisis differed from previous years. It included presenting statistics on the housing gap, the urgent need to address the housing crisis, efforts to establish new residential cities, statistics on the establishment of residential investment complexes, in addition to the policy of securing loans for construction, the government’s efforts to build complexes for employees and vulnerable groups, discussing the policy of managing and securing land, producing housing units, securing financial support, and building the infrastructure requirements for the complexes and building maintenance policy, and securing and developing building materials.

Tables with numbers of the policy objectives were presented, the implementation of which requires follow-up by all relevant institutions and requires significant government support for its implementation. Extensive discussions have taken place, and it is hoped that after receiving all inquiries, the Ministry, through the Directorate of Housing, will send the final version for approval by the government and the authorities concerned with its implementation.


The Directorate of Housing organized a training course entitled (Cloud Computing and its Applications)

The Planning and Follow-up Department/Training and Development Division in the Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works, organized a course entitled (Cloud Computing and its Applications), in which a number of employees in the computer field participated. The lecturer, Engineer (Hassan Kazem Gouda), explained the nature of cloud computing and its applications, and a detailed explanation of the application of cloud computing in general.

The course concluded with all participants undergoing a test to review the information and award evaluation marks.



The Directorate of Housing organized a training course entitled (Public Job, Employee Duties and Rights, Legal Culture, and Management Transparency)

The Planning and Follow-up Department/Training and Development Division in the Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works, organized a course entitled (Public Job, Employee Duties and Rights, Legal Culture, and Management Transparency) in which a number of administrative and financial employees participated. The lecturer (Ihsan Khaled Sabry) addressed:

-Explaining the employee’s duties and rights, disciplinary penalties, their effects, and the procedures for imposing them.

-A detailed explanation of annual promotions and bonuses, reasons for transfer, placement, and resignation, the retirement law, and the strategy for combating administrative and financial corruption in public institutions.

The course concluded with all participants undergoing a test to review the information and awarding evaluation marks to the participants.


The Directorate of Housing organized a training course entitled (Instructions for Implementing Government Contracts No. (2) of 2014).

The Planning and Follow-up Department/Training and Development Division in the Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works, organized a course entitled (Instructions for Implementing Government Contracts No. (2) of 2014) in which a number of legal, administrative, financial and supervisory personnel participated.

The lecturer (Sajida Qasim Majeed) addressed: Contracting methods, opening and analysis committees, and the central committee to approve the referral and requirements before preparing tender documents.

The course concluded with all participants undergoing a test to review the information and awarding evaluation marks to the participants.



The Directorate of Housing organized a training course entitled (Excel)

The Planning and Follow-up Department/Training and Development Division in the Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works, organized a course entitled (Excel).

A number of the Directorate’s employees participated in it. The lecturer (Elham Kazem Salman) covered several topics, including:

_ How to organize tables.

_How to use tables.

_ Errors contained in Excel while working.

The course concluded with all participants undergoing a test to review the information and awarding evaluation marks to the participants.

The Directorate of Housing organized a training course entitled (press release, its sources, and the art of drafting it)

The Planning and Follow-up Department/Training and Development Division in the Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works, organized a course entitled (press release, its sources and the art of drafting it), in which a number of primary and intermediate cadres working in the field of media and public relations and other media, administrative and humanitarian cadres and holders of a bachelor’s degree in media participated ; to increase knowledge and become familiar with media concepts and employees eligible for promotion.

The lecturer (Muhannad Muhammad Mohsen/Director of Media at the Directorate of Housing) discussed:

– Press release: Getting to know the concepts of the press release/learning about the news industry and its elements and characteristics.

– Sources: Identifying the concepts of media sources/types of media sources.

– News drafting: Journalistic writing / journalistic editing / news models.

The course concluded with all participants undergoing a test to review the information and awarding evaluation marks to participants.

The Directorate of Housing organized a training workshop entitled (Supervision of Construction Projects)

The Planning and Follow-up Department/Training and Development Division in the Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works, organized a workshop entitled (Supervision of Construction Projects) in which a number of supervision engineers in the contractual Directorates and resident engineer Directorates6yyzsza participated, in which the lecturer (Ammar Ahmed Dhahi) addressed:

-Introduction to project supervision and time programming.

-Clarification of site works, quality control and laboratory tests.

-Definition of the initial inquiry/advances, maintenance period, and final receipt.

The course concluded with all participants undergoing a test to review the information and awarding evaluation marks to the participants.