With a completion rate of 87%, work continues on Alghalibiah housing project in Diyala Governorate

The Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, continues to work on Alghalibiah housing project in Diyala Governorate, with a completion rate of 87%, at a cost of (26,400,000) billion dinars, and with a number of housing units amounting to (696) apartments.
The complex consists of (58) residential buildings with three floors, comprising (696) apartments and includes two models: type (A) = (312) apartments, and type (B) = (384) apartments, with (4) apartments on each floor.
The complex contains public service buildings (primary school, 2 high schools, mosque, health center, 2 guard rooms, markets, as well as site works from external networks and roads.