Under the supervision of the Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, work continues on Zarbatiya housing project in Wasit Governorate, which is being executed by Marsa Al-Khairat and Emaar Al-Badia companies, with a completion rate of 67%, and the number of housing units amounting to (544) houses.
The complex consists of two models of residential houses, including: Type (A)= 497 residential houses, containing three bedrooms, with a building area of 186 m2, and Type (B) = 47 residential houses, containing three bedrooms with a total building area of 180 m2.
The complex also contains public service buildings (kindergarten, nursery, primary school with a capacity of 18 classrooms, an intermediate school with a capacity of 12 classrooms, market, health center, post office building, mosque with service networks (pure water and fire, rainwater network, heavy water sewage network) in addition to the external site works such as streets, sidewalks, walkways, squares, yards and afforestation.
The work is continuing by the senior management and all the staff of the Directorate of Housing, starting with overcoming all obstacles and finding appropriate solutions to accomplish the work and achieving housing units that contribute to solving part of the housing crisis that our beloved country needs.
With a completion rate of 75%, work continues on Al-Dabuni residential project in Wasit Governorate
Under the supervision of the Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, work continues on Al-Dabuni residential project in Wasit Governorate, which is being executed by Rawafed Al-Khaleej Contracting Company, with a completion rate of 75%, and the number of housing units amounting to (255) houses.
The project was described as two types of residential houses, type (A), with a number of (155) houses, with an approximate building area of (130) m2, with three bedrooms and its services, and type (B), with (100) houses, and an approximate built-up area of (119) m2, with two bedrooms and its services.
The complex also contains public services (primary school with a capacity of 18 classrooms, market, administrative building, guard room, telephone exchange with service networks (pure water and fire, rainwater drainage network, sewerage network, external and internal electrical networks, telephone, external site works from external fences, streets, sidewalks, walkways, parking lots, and landscape works (yards, rest areas, organizing gardens, afforestation, furniture, etc.).
Arab Housing Day October 3, 2022
Under the slogan “Development of societal thought for the components of contemporary housing – contemporary housing for all,” the Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, organized on Tuesday 4/10/2022 at ten in the morning in the main hall, the Arab Housing Day celebration (which is held annually First Monday of October).
The celebration was held under the patronage of His Excellency the Minister of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, Engineer Nazanin Mohammed Wassou, and was attended by Eng. Jaber Abed Khaji / Technical Undersecretary of the Ministry, Expert Engineer Fadel Muhammad Kazem / General Manager of Al-Mu’tasim Company, Engineer Saif Al-Assaf / General Manager of Ashur and Al-Rasheed Companies and Engineer Dr. Muhammad Haider Al-Sakni, Assistant Director General of the Engineering Construction Directorate , Engineer Haider Fadel Al-Mayali / Director General of the Directorate of Housing, Mr. Nabil Ghazi Thajeel/ Assistant Director General of the Directorate of Housing, and the ladies and Gentlemen heads of departments and employees of the Ministry’s formations.
The celebration opened with a verse from the Holy Quran, followed by the speech of the Technical Undersecretary of the Ministry, in which he pointed out the magnitude of the challenges facing the implementation of housing policies and plans, starting with the expansion of slums and the bulldozing of agricultural lands to convert them into residential lands, passing through the damage caused by the terrorist thought in quite a few housing projects in The governorates and the scarcity of financial allocations that negatively affect the movement of the wheel of reconstruction and the effective and important sectors related to the semi-idled housing sector and unable to play its role in activating and supporting it. And he showed the Ministry’s need for expert advisory institutions in the field of housing, and for specialized financing institutions, all of which need a real state’s will to implement housing plans.
The Director General of the Directorate of Housing delivered a speech in which he touched on the challenges facing the implementation of the housing policy and the activation and development of the housing sector, and their impact (negatively or positively) is not limited to the amount of money the government allocates to this sector, but rather the challenges reach the community itself: intellect, orientation, basic requirements and ambitions. He stressed the Directorate of Housing’s serious endeavor to address the issue of ownership of lands on which residential complexes are built by preparing a draft resolution for the Council of Ministers that includes amending the provisions of Cabinet Resolution No. (223) for the year (2019) to replace the term empowerment with the term ownership, in addition to activating the provisions of Cabinet Resolution No. ( 394 for the year 2012) which allows this Directorate to own the lands on which residential complexes are built, for a symbolic fee. He also referred to the adoption of the methodology of converting some investment plan projects to announce them investment opportunities in coordination with the National Investment Commission, in order to overcome the obstacles to providing financial allocations for implementation; in addition to adopting the principle of cooperation with some Arab countries to implement some housing projects, such as the Egyptian Agreement, which would open horizons of cooperation and benefit from the experiences of Arab countries in the field of implementing housing projects.
While the speech of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the Executive Director of the Habitat (which was delivered on his behalf by the member of the National Committee for Human Settlements in Iraq / Director of the Department of Housing Studies and Policies) emphasized that no one was left behind, meaning that cities should respond to the needs of women and children bridging the gap between the affluent and the destitute within and between urban and rural areas and within developed and developing regions and between them as well. It also emphasized the adoption of human-centered policies, promoting sustainable consumption and production patterns, and giving priority to building an infrastructure that takes into account environmental considerations and is able to withstand.
As for the speech of Mr. Assistant Director General of the Engineering Construction Directorate, it included a presentation entitled “Sustainability in Housing Projects”, in which he addressed the sustainable development goals related to the housing sector and sustainability assessment methods, then reviewed some international, Arab and local investment projects, in which he showed through comparative analysis the importance and the impact of investment projects’ commitment to sustainable development standards.
While the presentation titled “Reading in Housing Planning Trends 2017-2022” presented by the Director of the Housing Studies and Policies Department in the Directorate of Housing included a review of the most important planning documents adopted for the period 2017-2022 represented in the document of updating the national housing policy, and resolutions 70 and 419 for the year 2019 and Resolution 338 for the year 2021 (Dari Initiative). This reading summed up the assertion that the national housing policy and the executive plan are the basic compass in organizing other detailed planning directions, and that the development of societal thought in designing or organizing the components of (modern) housing to be available to all is still linked to the outputs and results of the existing planning trends now, and this will require more of the efforts and allocations before reaching the concept of (contemporary housing), and that the components of contemporary housing depend on contemporary technologies in the provision of technical infrastructure services in the main, as well as the orientation, but rather the emphasis on the flexibility of internal and external spaces for housing to achieve the best use of the urban (physical) structure.
The Head of the Investment Division in the Property Department gave a presentation entitled “The Directorate’s Projects Executed by the Investment Method,” in which she reviewed the Directorate of Housing’s directions in addressing the execution of housing projects through investment, whether some projects of the Directorate’s investment plan or other projects.
As for the conclusion of the presentations, it was entitled “Arab experiences in the development of the production of housing units,” which was prepared by a senior chief engineer in the Engineering Authentication and Consultation Department, which reviewed, through comparative analysis, housing patterns and the quality of tenure in three Arab countries (the Republic of Iraq, Algeria and the Republic of Egypt).
The celebration was concluded by extending thanks and appreciation to the ladies and gentlemen participating and attending and wishing all success.
The Directorate of Housing organizes a condolence gathering at the Directorate’s headquarters.
Under the direct guidance of the senior management of the Directorate of Housing, the Division of Relations, Information and Citizens Affairs organized, at the Directorate’s headquarters, a condolence gathering for the spirit of the late employees, Safa Abdul Majeed Muhammad and Mr. Amer Falih Hassan, this Monday morning, 12/9/2022. The condolence gathering was attended by Mr. Saif Sami Al-Asafi, Director General of Ashur and Al-Rasheed General Companies with an accompanying delegation, and they were received by Dr. Nabil Ghazi Thajil, Assistant Director General of the Directorate of Housing and also, all the staff of the Directorate who expressed their grief over those we lost with hearts full of contentment, full of sadness and separation.
With a completion rate of 90% the Directorate of Housing continues to work on Anah housing project in Anbar Governorate.
The Directorate of Housing one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, follows up and supervises Anah housing project in Anbar Governorate, which is executed by Al Nawaeer Contracting Company, as the project has reached a completion rate of 90%, and the number of housing units amounted to (524) apartments.
Note that the project was previously suspended due to the security events that were represented by the entry of ISIS terrorist gangs, and the duration of the suspension exceeded 8 years, and at that time the completion rate was 98%. The residential complex contains public service buildings (kindergarten, primary school, middle school, high school, markets, health clinic, administrative suite, mosque, 2 guard rooms in addition to the service networks (pure water, and heavy water sewers) and electrical networks (high pressure network, low pressure network, external lighting, telephone network) and also includes external site works such as roads, squares, gardens and walkways.
international quality certificate (ISO 9001:2015)
In recognition of the tireless efforts of the senior management, represented by the Director-General (Engineer Haider Fadel Al-Mayali), the Assistant Director-General (Mr. Nabil Ghazi Thajil), and the directors of the departments in the Directorate, to achieve the highest rates of quality, development and improvement, and to apply the requirements of international standards.
The Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, obtained the international quality certificate according to the requirements of the international standard (ISO 9001:2015), which is a certificate of conformity to the quality management system (QMS) applied and approved in the Directorate, for all its activities represented by (authentication, preparation of designs and supervision on the execution of housing complex projects).
In accordance with the requirements of the ISO specification and compliance with international and local conditions and standards and housing standards, within the framework of the certificate preservation program adopted by the Directorate, to achieve its new vision.
It is based on four pillars:
Electronic transformation, investment in human resources, innovation in technical and administrative processes, and development of the construction industry to serve residential production.
And to adopt the use of local raw materials, and to set standards for the production and import of construction materials, with the granting of customs facilities and tax exemptions, to motivate workers in this field.
The Directorate of Housing had previously obtained the International Quality Certificate in 2017 in March 2022, after implementing the detailed, intensive and comprehensive second annual external audit executed by the International Standards Company for Quality Systems Management / representative of the awarding company Infinity.
Mr. (Jamal Ahmed Safouk / the authorized director of the company) attended the directorate, and carried out the second annual audit process on 14/3/2022, and the documents of the applied quality management system supported by objective evidence of effective application were examined, which proved the application of the Directorate of Housing specification standards (ISO 9001: 2015 and the awarding body recommended the extension of the international quality certificate.
On (29/3/2022) the International Quality Certificate for the Quality Management System was received in accordance with the requirements of the international standard (ISO 9001:2015), by Engineer Haider Fadel Al-Mayali, Director General of the Directorate, in the presence of the Director of the Quality Management Division, Mr. (Ahmed Abdel-Zahra Ali) and the quality staff, who in turn stressed that obtaining ISO accreditation is an important step in implementing the plans set to enhance excellence, development and improvement of performance in the Directorate in general and making a qualitative leap in the Directorate’s work mechanisms, noting that this certificate is one of the Directorate’s development mechanisms,
During the next stage, the Directorate will work to implement and adopt the highest international standards to promote innovation and continuous improvement of its work mechanisms, in the service of the country and the citizen.
Al-Tajiyat residential complex project
Engineer Haider Fadel Al-Mayali, Director General of the Directorate of Housing, visited one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, this Monday morning, 28/3/2022, Al-Tajiyat residential complex project. And he was accompanied during his tour of the project by Mr. Jayed Ali Jayed, the resident engineer for the project, Dr. Zainab Salman, the head of the Investment Division, and Mr. Muhannad Muhammad Mohsen, Director of Relations and Information Division in the Directorate, and a number of their cadres, to find out the merits of the project and the progress of work in it.
The Director General directed: During the visit, all project workers, to abide by all instructions and directives, and to exert all efforts and capabilities.
He commended the work with some observations in the aspect of engineering and technical specialization, and what is directly related to the success of the work and avoiding future problems.
At the end of the visit, Mayali stressed a number of important issues, including that his door is open to all, in order to overcome all obstacles and solve problems facing the progress of work, because the project is one of the vital projects that serve a large number of citizens, and because the housing aspect is one of the most important living requirements.
The project is executed by Sections General Contracting Company , with a completion rate of 33.1%, and the number of housing units amounted to (1392) apartments, type (a) with (45) buildings, (16) apartments of different sizes and type (b) with (28) buildings, (24) ) apartment of different sizes, with six models of types of apartments, currently executed and designed in the style of (Doplex / two floors), the first floor has service rooms (reception, kitchen, and health units), and the second floor has a private room (bedrooms and an integrated health unit), as this type of design provides the feeling of the Iraqi family that they live in an independent house. It is divided into different areas:
– Apartment type (A) with an area of 159 m2 _ Apartment type (A +) with an area of 161 m2
Apartment type (B) with an area of 130 m2 – Apartment type (B +) with an area of 137 m2
Apartment type (C) with an area of 116 m2 – Apartment type (C +) with an area of 118 m2
The project description: The technology used in the execution is (ICF) the technology of isolated concrete blocks, a modern technology that the Ministry has taken great care of in establishing modern residential complexes, which would provide adequate housing for all beneficiaries of the complex’s occupants, which is executed by the investment method, which is a modern and successful method in the establishment of residential complexes.
Al-Suwaira housing project in Wasit Governorate
Under the supervision of the Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, work continues on the Al-Suwaira housing project in Wasit Governorate, which is executed by Al-Maghanim and Ard Al-Sunan contracting companies, with a completion rate of 61.32%, and the number of housing units amounted to (640) apartments.
The project was described as multi-storey residential buildings (four floors) with two models of residential buildings: type (A) = (40) buildings, (480 apartments), and type B)) = (10) buildings, (160 apartments).
The media office explained: The residential complex contains public service buildings (kindergarten, nursery, primary school with a capacity of 18 classrooms, middle school with a capacity of 12 classrooms, (2) markets, a health center, an administrative building, 2 guard rooms with service networks (pure water and fire, rain water drainage network, heavy water sewerage network with heavy water treatment unit, external and internal electrical networks, telephone, as well as external site works (external fence, streets, sidewalks, walkways, parking lots ) and also contains (Landscape) works (yards, resting spaces, organizing gardens, landscaping, furniture…etc).
Al-Suniyah housing project in Al-Diwaniyah governorate
99% achievement achieved by the Directorate of Housing in Al-Suniyah housing project in Al-Diwaniyah under the guidance of the engineer (Nazanin Muhammad Wasu), the Minister of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, and under the supervision and continuous follow-up of the project from the engineer (Haider Al-Mayali), the Director General of the Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry. The work by the executing companies is progressing well and according to the required technical specifications, and the project is one of the projects concerned with the Iraqi family and its comfort. The residential complex consists of 65 houses, and the area of the house is 150 m2,and the house contains two floors with 3 different rooms and their accessories, using the brick building system, as well as service works are available in the residential complex from a rainwater drainage station, sidewalks and organized streets.
Jotun Paints Company
The Directorate of Housing: organizes a workshop with Jotun Paints Company
The Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, in cooperation with Jotun Paints Company, organized a specialized workshop in the field of dyes, addressing common problems in paint systems and interpreting technical specifications. It was attended by the Directorate’s senior management, department heads, and a number of department employees with engineering specialization, and it was delivered by Engineer Zaid Amer, representative of Jotun Paints Company.
During the workshop, the engineer reviewed the types of modern paints and their external and internal uses, and the most common problems that occur in paint systems and how to solve them.
At the end of the workshop, the representative of Jotun Paints Company thanked the Directorate of Housing. The senior management of the Directorate also thanked Eng. Zaid Amer for his recent information that can be used to use their products in the future in the execution of some of the Directorate’s projects.