The Directorate of Housing continues to supervise work on Al-Jazeera/2 housing project in the holy governorate of Karbala.

The technical engineering cadres working in the Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, continue to supervise work on Al-Jazeera/2 housing project in the holy governorate of Karbala. The project is being executed by Al-Fao General Engineering Company (formerly Al-Mansour), which is one of the ministry’s formations and the cost of the contract for the project, after the resumption of work, amounted to (74,517,000) billion dinars, and achieved a completion rate of (71.20%). Al-Jazeera 2 residential complex consists of (632) apartments distributed over a number of multi-storey buildings (4 floors for each building) with two models, the first type (A) consisting of 53 buildings, so that the number of apartments is (424) apartments, and each floor includes two apartments; the other model is type B, and it consists of (13) residential buildings, so that the number of apartments is (208), as each floor contains four apartments.
This complex was designed to be integrated in terms of the abundance of services for its occupants, as it includes public service buildings (kindergarten, nursery, primary school with a capacity of 18 classrooms, an intermediate school with a capacity of 12 classrooms, in addition to a health center, markets, an administrative building, and two guard rooms).
The complex also contains a number of service networks, which are (pure water and fire network, rainwater drainage network, heavy water drainage network with heavy water treatment unit, external and internal electrical networks, and telephone network), in addition to the external site works such as external fences and streets, sidewalks, walkways, parking lots, landscaping works for yards and resting spaces, organizing gardens, afforestation, and furnishing to be a model for residential projects in the country.

Work continues on Zurbatiya housing project in Wasit Governorate

The Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, continues to work on Zarbatiya housing project in Wasit Governorate, with a completion rate of 77.50%, at a cost of (80,439,000) billion dinars, and with a number of housing units amounting to (544) houses.
The complex consists of two models of residential floors, including: Type A, with (497) residential houses, containing three bedrooms, with a built-up area of 186 m2, and Type B, with (47) residential houses, containing three bedrooms, with a total building area of about 180 m2.
The complex also contains public service buildings (kindergarten, nursery, primary school with a capacity of 18 classrooms, an intermediate school with a capacity of 12 classrooms, market, health center, post office building and mosque, with service networks (pure water and fire, rainwater network, Heavy water sewer network). In addition to the site’s external works such as streets, sidewalks, walkways, squares, gardens and afforestation.
The work is continuing by the staff of the Directorate of Housing, while overcoming all obstacles and finding appropriate solutions.

“Advertising” Ministry of Construction, Housing, and Public Municipalities / Directorate of Housing

The Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing, and Public Municipalities, announces the tender numbered 1/2023, which is included in the investment budget plan number (4-3-1-37) for the year 2023 and in the manner of the public tender according to the standard document and in the Arabic language for the project of implementing the supplementary works for the residential complex in the governorate of (Anbar/Heet) at an estimated cost of (54.439.273.100) Fifty-four billion, four hundred and thirty-nine million, two hundred and seventy-three, one hundred thousand dinars, and nothing else.
Those wishing to participate in the tender from classified companies and contractors and Arab and foreign companies with experience and competence (who meet the requirements mentioned below in addition to the requirements of the standard documents contained in the tender documents) should visit the headquarters of the Directorate to obtain the tender documents (under the original classification identity according to the requirements below) for an amount of (5.000.000) five million dinars, which are not refundable. Except for sober foreign companies, they are provided with the tender documents free of charge, and the validity period of the tender is 90 days, noting that the tender announcement period is 28 days, starting from Tuesday, 4/4/2023 and the last date for selling the tender documents will be on Tuesday, corresponding to May 2, 2023, and the date for closing the tender and opening the bid is 12 o’clock noon on Sunday, corresponding to May 7, 2023., and bids will be open publicly on the same closing day and in front of bidders .If the opening day coincides with an official holiday, it will be postponed to the next day, and any bid submitted after the tender date will be neglected, and the winner of the tender will bear the publishing and advertising fees. The contracting authority is also not obligated to accept the lowest bids based on the instructions for implementing government contracts No. (2) of 2014, and the Directorate is not obligated to grant an operational advance.
The participants shall submit their bids in closed and sealed envelopes bearing the name of the bidder, his email address, telephone number, and the name and number of the tender, and hand them over to an employee of the Bid Opening Committee at the Directorate’s headquarters on the first floor / Bid Opening Committee.
A special conference will be held to answer the inquiries of the participants in the tender at 10 in the morning) of the day (Wednesday) on May 3, 2023, at the headquarters of the Directorate of Housing, on the ground floor, in the meeting room.
Taking into account that the bidder meets the requirements listed below:

Governmental companies with specializations wishing to participate in the tender It is also entitled to enter into partnerships with Arab and foreign companies and institutions in accordance with Paragraph (Third) of Article (15) of Public Companies Law No. (22) of 1997 and its amendments.

B/ contracting companies with a classification of “excellent / construction” registered in accordance with “Instructions for Registration and Classification of Contracting Companies and Contractors No. (1) of 2015 (original + copy).

C / Companies with classification (initial/ construction), two or more of them have the right to merge a partnership contract (one) jointly documented before the notary public as a prerequisite for participation, and none of them may withdraw or waive the partnership contract at all stages of the project, starting from the submission of the tender until the end of the maintenance period.

D/ Arab and foreign companies wishing to participate in the tender must meet the following conditions:
a- The company should be specialized in construction works, and the date of its incorporation should not be less than five years.
b- presenting a certificate of incorporation of the company attested by the concerned authority in Iraq.
The company must have a registered branch in Iraq with the Ministry of Commerce’s Companies Registrar Directorate or a commercial representation office, taking into account the provisions of Regulation No. (5) of 1989.
d- The company, in the case of submitting works executed outside Iraq, must submit these documents and obtain authentication from the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Iraqi Embassy in the country in which these works were carried out.

Project Description
The Heet residential complex is located on an area of (50 dunums) and consists of 54 residential buildings, all of one class, each building consists of four floors, and each floor contains two residential units, so the total number of residential units is 432. The area of one housing unit is 150 m2.
It also consists of service buildings (kindergarten, primary school, middle school, secondary school, market, mosque, telephone exchange, health center, administrative room, and two guard rooms). In addition, it consists of site works (streets, sidewalks, squares, gardens, walkways, corridors, a heavy water network, a telephone network, an electricity power network, a pure water and fire network, heavy water treatment unit, a rainwater network, a pure water pumping station, and a fence around the site and games for children).
The percentage of damages occurring at the site as a result of the military operations for liberation is 59%.
The percentage of extinction occurring in the site as a result of the long downtime is (5%)
The percentage of remaining unexecuted works is 26%.

Documents to be submitted with the bid:

1- A clearance from the General Commission for Taxes addressed to the Directorate of Housing and in the original copy
2- A valid classification identity issued by the Ministry of Planning, illustrating the new plastic model.
3- The certificate of incorporation of the company and a valid license to practice the profession.
4- Identity of the Contractors Union
5- A list of the similar works executed for the bidder, provided that they are supported by the relevant authorities, and submitting what supports the completion of the work and the level of implementation, provided that it is not less than two similar works and close to the contracting amount.
6- Primary insurance at a rate of (544,392,731) percent of the estimated cost amount, in the form of a letter of guarantee valid for a period of three months, or a certified check or a bill of exchange.
7- A list of the machines and equipment owned by the bidder with proof of their belonging to him, and in the case of leasing, proof of this shall be submitted.
8- a list of the bidder’s employees, especially the engineering technical staff with specialization, who are proposed to be used to implement the project, along with copies of their contracts and according to the required expertise, and they shall be certified by the Engineers Association.
9- The final accounts for the last three years (2019-2020-2021), in addition to the final accounts that include the expenses and revenues of similar business projects submitted by the contractor and checking the numbers contained therein with each of the fixed assets owned by the bidder and the size of the staff working with him, were certified by a qualified accountant.
10- Receipt of the tender documents.
11- Partnership contract, in case there is a partnership contract duly authenticated by a notary public directorate.
12- Provide an undertaking that the contractor is not on the blacklist or that he has pending cases before the courts regarding the works carried out by him, as indicated in the standard document of the project above.
13- The residence card with the civil status identity or the unified national card and with a letter of withholding the ration card.
14- Bank statement, certified by the bank, valid until December 31, 2021.
15- The full address of the company, which contains the coordinates of the place, phone number, and e-mail, as well as the full address of the company manager director residence.
16-In case more than one tenderer participates in submitting one bid for the implementation of the contract, they shall be jointly and severally responsible for its implementation, provided that a duly approved partnership contract is submitted with the bid.
17-The contracting party may cancel the tender before issuance of the referral letter based on justified reasons without compensating the bidders.
18-Obliging the bidders to write down the prices of the bid Paragraph bill quantities and its total amount in printed form, numerically and in writing.
19- for Bidders, it shall not be possible to delete or scratch any item in tender documents or make any amendments to them.
20- it shall not be possible to Employees of state departments and public sectors to participate in tenders, directly or indirectly, taking into consideration the provisions of the valid legislation.
21-Submit the following data: the certificate of incorporation, the Paragraph of incorporation, the company bylaws, and an authorization letter.
By reviewing and signing, the identity of the contractor classification, the identity of the Chamber of Commerce, the license to practice the profession, and a certificate
Incorporation and a license to practice the profession officially issued by the competent authorities for foreign companies
officially licensed foreign contractors, and submitting any other data in accordance with the tender valid conditions and legislation.

22- it Depends on the written price in case it varies with the numbered price as well as on the unit price
if the price of the Paragraph is not correct, or if a one Paragraph or more that was writing without their prices in the submitted bid
In this case, the cost of that Paragraph or more than one it will be included within the written quantities’ limits of the Total tender price.

23- The person to whom the tender is awarded shall bear the publishing wages with all taxes and fees imposed by the laws.
24- it shall not be possible for the manger director of more than one company to submit more than one bid per tender.
25-The designs, maps, and specifications prepared by the contracting authority shall belong to the employer, except in special cases and with the approval of the head of the contracting authority.

Address: Baghdad – Al-Nahda – next to the car showroom

Director general

Monday, March 20, 2023, the second meeting of the Board of Directors of the Directorate of Housing

-Welcoming the attendees and presenting the Council’s congratulations to the new members of the Board of Directors, and congratulating Dr. Fadhaa Al-Kalabi for assigning her to manage Studies and Policies Department in the Directorate, due to the referral of Dr. Huda Ahmed Jaafar to retirement. The Council’s thanks and appreciation were presented to Dr. Huda for her great services throughout her career. Below are the most important topics that were discussed:

-Discussing the agenda and directives of the Minister to establish housing units on the lands of the Ministry for the purpose of selling them to employees at reasonable prices.
-Discussing the new cities project.
-Discussing the Directorate’s projects and directing to complete the construction of 10 projects this year and 6 for next year according to its timetable, and follow up on referring the rest of the projects within the investment plan projects or referring them for investment.
-Discussing the acceleration of procedures to resolve the issue of Al-Amriyah Residential Complex, in order to start its construction as soon as possible.
-Discussing the support of the Directorate’s cadres and following up on the letter addressed to the Ministry of Planning after the Minister’s approval of the minutes of the previous meeting, and working to make the Directorate attractive to specialized cadres to support and complete the work in the best way.
-Discussing requirements for approving designs for investment projects, in coordination with the Municipality of Baghdad and municipal Directorates in the governorates, and directing work with one determinants for all parties.
-Directing all departments to urge employees to work seriously and adhere to work hours, and the evaluation will be done monthly.
-Follow-up on securing the amounts of funds of surveys in coordination with the Ministry of Planning and Finance to ensure that business does not stop and until the budget is approved.

Taharba complex project with a completion rate of 78%

The Directorate of Housing resumes work on Taharba housing project in Al-Muthanna Governorate, with vigorous and diligent follow-up by Engineer Sadiq Muhammad Hassan, Director General of the Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities.
And by overcoming all obstacles and problems, the staff of the Directorate of Housing continued to supervise the execution of Taharba housing project in Al-Muthanna Governorate, where the completion rate of the project reached 78%. (112 houses), and the contractual cost of the project after the appeal is (16,276,000) billion Iraqi dinars.
The media office stated that the project contains a number of residential floors with a horizontal system of two floors, and that the building area of the house is (123.2) square meters, and inside each residential house there is one car park, and the project also includes service buildings that include (one primary school with a capacity of (6) classrooms and (1) guard room and a group of service and sewage networks, in addition to gardens, parks, and rest areas.

The Directorate of Housing organizes a course entitled (Photoshop)

Planning and Follow-up Department / Training and Development Division in the Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, organized a course entitled (Photoshop).
The course curriculum was presented by Eng. (Hassan Kazem Jouda), a senior engineer in the Planning and Follow-up Department / Training and Development Division at the Directorate of Housing headquarters on Thursday morning 3/16/2023, with the participation of a number of engineers and programmers of the Directorate.
As the lecturer touched on several axes, including (how to process images and correct colors, as well as ways to save work after modification, and how to insert shapes and texts for the image).
The aim of the course was to familiarize the participants with how to use the program and image processing (cut, paste, and merge images), in addition to correcting colors and brightness or increasing opacity, as well as ways to save work after modification, and the use of layers for easy detection and correction of errors and the inclusion of shapes and texts for the image.

The Directorate of Housing organizes a course entitled (Microsoft Access)

Planning and Follow-up Department / Training and Development Division in the Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, organized a course (Microsoft Access) and the course curriculum was lectured by Eng. (Noura Saadoun) in the Technology, Information and Communications Department/ Maintenance and Software Division at the headquarters of the Directorate of Housing on Thursday morning 9/3/2023, with the participation of a number of the Directorate’s engineers and programmers.
The lecture touched on several axes, including the method of analyzing the system and knowing the requirements that must be provided in the system, and the method of creating a database consisting of tables, a query, a report and a form.
The aim of the course was to enable the participants to understand the basics of (Microsoft Access) and to build an integrated database.

The Minister of Construction is discussing with international organizations supporting the housing sector

The Minister of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, Benkin Rikani, discussed at the Ministry’s headquarters ways to support the housing sector with the Director of the United Nations Human Settlements Program (Habitat) in Iraq, Mr. Wael Al-Ashhab, and representatives of the International Labor Organization and the World Trade Center, in the presence of the Director General of the Directorate of Housing.
The Minister stated during the meeting that the Council of Ministers decided, in its last session, to form a central committee to standardize building standards and new residential cities, with the aim of preserving state funds and organizing the planning aspects of the cities; He also welcomed any support that works to raise the capabilities of the Directorate of Housing affiliated to the Ministry, develop the performance of its employees, and provide it with modern electronic systems that provide accurate data on the housing sector to draw up policies and implementation mechanisms.
Director of (Habitat) in Iraq, reviewed the cooperation agreement signed between the Iraqi government and the European Union, regarding programs and projects funded by the Union and in cooperation with ministries, including the Ministry of Construction, indicating that the agreement includes supporting the government in developing the housing sector, training and creating job opportunities for youth, and providing low-cost housing for limited and low-income people.

The Directorate of Housing holds a board meeting for the month of February 2023

Under the chairmanship of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Directorate of Housing, Mr. (Sadiq Muhammad Hassan), the meeting of the first session of the Board of Directors was held for the month of February (28/2/2023), and in the presence of Board members from various ministries.
The meeting began with a speech from the Director General, who started by welcoming the attending members and urging them to exert maximum efforts and present the best results to the Directorate.
The Board of Directors discussed a number of topics on the agenda in its meeting, the most important of which was addressing work problems and the general situation of the Directorate. At the end of the meeting, the Director General expressed his optimism about the important development that took place in the course of work in the interest of our dear country, and stressed that he was confident that the future is better and there is greater success in light of the keenness and assurance of the Board of Directors of the Directorate to keep pace with the continuous development.

The Directorate of Housing organizes a course entitled (furnishing streets and sidewalks for residential complexes)

The Department of Planning and Follow-up / Division of Training and Development in the Directorate of Housing, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, organized a course entitled (furnishing streets and sidewalks for residential complexes)
The course curriculum was lectured by Eng. (Zeinah Habeeb Nasser), Senior Chief Engineer in the Certification and Engineering Consultation Department, Architectural Designs Division, at the Directorate of Housing headquarters on Thursday morning 3/2/2023, with the participation of a number of the Directorate’s employees, including road engineers, architects, structural and civil engineers.
The lecture touched on several topics, including (basic shapes and patterns of urban streets – definition of pavement and its purpose – elements of fixing sidewalks (greening – columns – traffic lights – advertising, paving sidewalks and width of sidewalks) and design requirements for streets and sidewalks for people with disabilities.
The aim of the course was to know the standards that should be applied to the streets and sidewalks of residential complexes, including bicycle paths and special paths for people with disabilities, in order to upgrade and improve the housing reality of urban streets within residential complexes.